Minnesota Homeowner’s Summer Roofing Guide
Timberline Roofing
/ Categories: Roofing

Minnesota Homeowner’s Summer Roofing Guide

Summertime is a point of the year where it feels like almost everything happens. From the fair to music festivals, and yes, the most fun thing of them all: annual property care and maintenance! Your roof should last 25 years on average, depending on the material, installation, and the attention to detail you put into its care.

Take a look at our guide for summer roofing!


The beginning of summer presents a perfect time to clean your roof’s surface. Mother nature provides plenty of opportunities to leave debris on your shingles throughout early fall through spring. From leaves to twigs and branches, even critters nests, debris sitting on your roof promotes moisture in those areas. The more moisture collected in those areas will undoubtedly lead to water damage.

While you’re on your roof, cleaning out your gutters is always a great idea. Like your roof, gutters collect a lot of debris from fall through spring. Clogged gutters disrupt the flow of water from your roof and away from the property, causing potential water damage from your eaves all the way to your foundation!


Once your roof is cleaned off, you should look for any signs of damage the seasons may have brought. Look for missing, broken, dented, or warped shingles. Additionally, walk around your property's ground level and look for loose asphalt granules. These are all signs of a damaged roof that needs attention as soon as possible.

When you spot damage like this, give a trusted roofing contractor a call for further inspection. If you can’t inspect the roof yourself but suspect damage or needed maintenance, your chosen roofing contractor will be able to assist you!

Storm Damage Repair

Summertime brings some pretty sweet weather to the Twin Cities. However, that lovely weather can turn bitter in an instant. Ferocious thunderstorms may bring heavy gusts, lighting, pouring rain, and even hail!

This amounts to potential damage to your roof, gutters, and even siding. If a storm whips through your area, try and conduct a walkthrough around your home for any signs of damage on your property. If you find damage, be sure to enlist the help of a roofing contractor that offers storm damage repair services.

Contact Timberline Roofing for Summer Maintenance & Repair

If you spot exterior damage on your home this summer, contact a trusted Twin Cities contractor in Timberline!

Get a free quote online or give us a call at 612-284-5329 today!

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